How To Use Clean In Vogue\’s All-Purpose Cleaner Set

There\’s nothing better than an All-Purpose Cleaner Set by Clean In Vogue. With one you can save both time and money. Why have a different cleaner for every surface in your home? 

With our All-Purpose Cleaner Set, you don\’t have to keep track of multiple instructions for your different cleaners. You\’re saving time and money and saving yourself from stress.

Unlike using many cleaners for different sets, you can\’t go wrong with our All-Purpose Cleaner.

Whether it\’s glass, laminate, steel, wood, granite, tile, etc. they\’ll be clean with one swipe of our cleaner.

It is also very easy to use.

How to use the All-Purpose Cleaner Set:

  1. Pour half of the All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate into the Spray Bottle
  2. Fill the Spray Bottle with water but leave some room for easy mixing.
  3. Shake Spray Bottle for an even mix.
  4. Spray on dirty surfaces and wipe with a cloth.

For tougher stains, allow the cleaner to sit for a while before wiping.

There you have it. Who says cleaning has to be stressful? 

With your All-Purpose Cleaner Set by Clean In Vogue, you can keep your home clean while saving money, time, and energy like never before.

Feel free to connect with us here.

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