Clean InVogue Glass spray bottle

Spray Bottle: Glass Vs Plastic Spray Bottles?

Spray Bottle: Glass Vs Plastic Spray Bottles?

Spray bottle! If you are the type that thinks it\’s not such a big deal whether your cleaning products come inside a glass or plastic container, well, I\’ve got another thing coming; there\’s a difference. A world of difference. Literally. You don\’t want to clean your living space, but leave the world a messier place than you found it.

Here are eight reasons why glass will always beat plastic in a \”Battle of Spray Bottles\” …

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Cheap is expensive

Unlike what many people think, glass is not expensive. Just do the math. How many times will you replace that plastic spray bottle? How many times can you reuse it if, for instance, you have to put a hot liquid inside it – like when you are washing it? These are just some of the things that may compromise the structural integrity of a plastic bottle.

On the other hand, glass bottles will hold down their own under these circumstances. And unless your palms are always soaked in cooking oil, do not be afraid of breaking your glass bottles. The rule of thumb is – (not slippery thumb, he-he) – handle with care, not fear.


Glass is more eco-friendly than plastic. Plastic waste is choking the world and leaving a carbon footprint that, if it remains unchecked, will choke our planet to death. When you are using a glass spray bottle, you are doing the planet a humongous favor. 

One of our goals at Clean InVogue is to preserve good old Mother Earth and her oceans by reducing plastic waste. So, for us, plastic containers are completely a no-go zone, as we are looking at the bigger picture; environmental impact.

Read More: Do All-Natural & Chemical-Free Cleaning Products Work?


In the looks department, glass bottles will always kill their plastic competition on any given Sunday. Glass bottles look sleeker and more top shelf than plastic containers.

Look at it this way. In a pricey-looking glass flute, you have the cheapest champagne; while in a cheap plastic glass, you have Armand de Brignac. Let me guess; you will go for the drink in the glass flute. That\’s the allure of glass. Glass has that je ne sais quoi that plastic will never have.


Variety is the spice of life

If you are a freak for a bottle design that will be a conversation starter, I will have you know that, compared to plastic; glass bottles are the queens of design. Glass designers and blowers are coming up with a variety of glass bottles to suit every pocket and fancy.

At Clean InVogue, we have a wide variety of styles to choose from. Check them out here.

Safety first

Some cleaning products, especially if they are made with toxic chemicals they are made with, may react adversely when stored inside plastic bottles. You have no such problem with glass bottles. That\’s why, science laboratories, use glass test tubes and beakers to carry out science experiments, even with hazardous elements. 

Besides, there may be cleaning products made with chemicals whose efficacy may be affected if they are stored in a plastic glass. But our plant-based, all-natural cleaning products are powerful, effective, smell amazing, and do not come with such qualms.


Unlike plastic containers, glass spray bottles can be refilled multiple times without any wear and tear. A reusable bottle will save you some money.

Glass bottles are the quintessential Energizer bunny; they keep going and going. And then some.

Once again, do some math. Calculate how much you will save by reusing your glass bottle. Yeah, your offspring will save some money, too. Do you doubt me? Check out the next reason …

The heirloom factor

Some of us have sentimental crystal cutlery that our parents or grandparents bequeathed us. These are items we hold near and dear, as they represent life, love, and laughter. When we hold these items in our hands, we are, in essence, connecting to our past.

Imagine generations to come, your great-grandkids cleaning using the glass cleaning bottles you used way back when, with, of course, the same eco-friendly cleaning products from Clean InVogue. That, right there, is happily-ever-after in a bottle. Plus, your family will have saved a bank load of change.

The upcycling factor

There are tons of DIY things you can do to your glass container to make it look sexy, funky, or quirky … or anything you want it to be, depending on what you fancy. You don\’t have one creative bone? No problem. Hit YouTube, and you will be spoilt for choice on how to upcycle your glass bottle.

Let loose your DIY alter ego. When it comes to upcycling glass bottles, there is a wide range of things you can do with different arts and crafts items to give you a unique look.

Where to buy glass spray bottles?

Visit our Clean InVogue product collection store to get your glass spray bottle. You can also connect with me using this quick links resource or grab your Simple & Clean Budget Friendly Meals: Your 5-Day Plan for more great insights.

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