It’s never been easier to live a holistic lifestyle
All Natural Cleaning Solutions & Plastic Free Bottles!

Refillable Spray Bottles & Economical Concentrate Refills!

Effective, safe, refillable home cleaners eliminating single use plastic.

Powerfully Effective!

5-star reviews & customer testimonials

Plastic Free

Compostable packaging, glass reusable spray bottles

Clean Ingredients

Safe for use - yourself, family, kids and pets

Money Saving

Never pay for harsh chemicals or 1 use plastic packaging 

We don't believe the cleaning process has to be time consuming, uncomfortable or perfect! You take pride in your home and we help empower you to bring more joy into the process.

We bring a safe, simple to use method to protect you, your family and the environment from short & long term consequences such as allergies, skin or respitory reactions, disease & pollution.

Get our Starter Kit

4 proven All Natural Concentrates & Refillable Glass Spray Bottles! That are simple, beautiful to display and hold, that works amazing magic on granite & tile, glass, multi surfaces with all purpose degreaser and wood and floor! As a Starter Kit bonus, each kit comes with a color silicone glove on each spray bottle and our Hand Cleaner (while supplies last.)

Each 16 oz. spray bottle, you pour 1/2 of the solution concentrate into and fill with water. When it's all used, use the other half of the concentrate so 1 vial fills your spray bottle twice! Economical refills!

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Customers Reviews

"My favorite is the granite tile counter cleaner. I;ve used many and they all leave a film, including Mrs Meyers but Clean in Vogue polishes my quartz and is so smooth! No residual film!!"

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"I absolutely love this chemical free cleaning products and the glass spray bottles! I never have to hide them away. They are so nice and they work on everything.
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